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The Definitive Guide to Selling More Homes and Making More Money – Agent Benefit Success Book

Go Serve Big! When you put others first, you will never be second!

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Definitive Guide to Selling More Homes EBook

Want to 10X Your Real Estate Business – Change Lives, Impact Your Community and Live the Life You Were Born to Live?

Then Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty is for you!

The Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Difference!

  • CULTURE: Our Mission is to Positively Impact People Through Second Mile Service, Innovative Systems and Charitable Giving!
  • CHARITY: ​A Portion of Income from Every Closing is Donated to Amazing Non-Profit Charities Committed to Helping Those Who Need Help the Most!
  • APPOINTMENTS: ​Exclusive Marketing and Lead Generation System. Own Your Own Pipeline, Guaranteed Flow of Leads, Referrals and Appointments with Ready to Act Sellers and Buyers at Above Average Price Points – as many as you can handle (No Cold Calling or Grunt Prospecting).
  • LISTINGS: Get A Lot More Listings – Home of the Exclusive Guaranteed Sale Program: ‘Your Home Sold Guaranteed or We’ll Buy It! Sellers WANT and LOVE It!
  • COMMISSIONS: ​Get Way Bigger Commission Checks – Highest Earning Agents in Real Estate – 3.5% to 4.5% on All Buyer Sales, Upfront Retainers and up to 7.5% on Listings (Cost is Only a Factor in the Absence of Value).
  • TEAM: ​Copy and Implement The #1 T.E.A.M. SYSTEM in Real Estate History So You Can Grow Your Own Super Profitable Sales Team Faster and Without Giving Up Your Personal Life to Do It.
  • SEO: ​Be #1 on SEO/Google Search Results: Your Home Sold = 2.4 Billion!
  • WEALTH: ​Accumulate Personal Wealth with Our Exclusive Real Estate Investment and Self-Employed Pension Plan.
  • SYSTEM: ​Get The BEST High Income Reduced Effort Systems, Millionaire Agent Training and Coaching in Real Estate – Including Your Very Own One on One Top 1% in the Industry Mentor So You Can Go Further Faster!
  • FUTURE: Pathway to Your Very Own Multi-Millionaire Real Estate Brokerage!

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Call Us: 888-449-YHSG


Income Increase Guarantee: You Will Make at least $100,000 MORE in New Additional Income or We’ll Pay You the Difference!*


Second Mile Service Guarantee: We will provide You Brokerage Services 12 hours a day 7 days a week! Your Calls and Requests for Assistance Will be Handled by a Qualified Team Member Within One Hour. GUARANTEE: If We Fail, We’ll Pay You $500 as a Penalty for Poor Service!*


Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Owners, Brokers and Mentors are selling homes at the highest level – in the trenches and out front on what works and what does not – committed to helping you overdeliver on service and results!


Whether you are fresh out of college, want to pursue a new career in real estate, or an industry veteran – you will achieve higher levels of success faster at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty! We Guarantee It!


*Some conditions apply.

Are You Ready to Change Lives, Impact Your Community and Live the Life You Were Born to Live?

Schedule a Free Breakthrough Call at

Call Us: 888-449-YHSG

Go Serve Big! When you put others first, you will never be second!

Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty of Florida | 888-449-YHSG |