One-on-One Breakthrough Call
Read Message from Founder and CEO, Todd Walters
Watch the 10 Reasons to Join Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Video Below:
You must be ambitious; you decided to look at the #1 System and Culture that is creating more millionaire real estate agents than anything out there. Can I say congratulations on doing that? You know, many times, we get stuck in our routines doing tasks and not working on the Rainmaking activities of our business, and right now, that is what you are doing. You’re looking for something; most likely, it’s more freedom/time, increased income, or both. I thank you for checking us out!
Would you agree, growing a real estate business can be complicated, even frustrating at times? I’ve been there. I was a real estate agent for many years, a successful one, and years ago, I decided to be a coach and mentor. A gratifying career, I must say. I love getting those emails, texts, and phone calls from struggling agents, telling me stories of their unique journey on becoming millionaire agents. Yes, I own a brokerage as well, but most importantly, I am in the coaching and training business, helping real estate agents help more people buy and sell the extraordinary place they call home.
My name is Todd Walters, with Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty. I am a Billion-Dollar agent, and I am proud to have a company with an innovative system and a culture that gives back to its community; on every transaction, a portion is donated to a worthy cause.
One thing I always say around here is, Go Serve Big! A statement or Motto I came up with years ago. At one time, I was always saying to my team, Go Sell Big! And it occurred to me one night when I was deep in thought and prayer for my team that it shouldn’t be focused on the sale; although that is very important, it needs to be focused on people; the buyer, the seller, your coworker, your team, your spouse, your friends etc. So, that is when I said to myself, not Go Sell Big. Go Serve Big!
So, I say to you, make sure to schedule a free breakthrough call or follow-up call with my elite support team today. There's no obligation and I guarantee you'll get a lot out of it! We all know that growing a real estate business can be complicated and we are here to help.
Todd Walters
Founder and CEO
Proud to be a Millionaire-Agent Maker
What are You Waiting For?
TRACY KING - Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Tennessee
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty is the best of the best in the business!!
They have homes you can’t find online anywhere so as a buyer you have the advantage of beating out all the other buyers!! As a seller you get top dollar for your home because they have all the Buyers and drive up demand for your home!! Who else can do this?
- Tracy King, TN
RUDY KUSUMA - Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - California
The Quantum Leap System and Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty enabled me to grow my business from $250k to over $8 Million in GCI. In the last 12 months, I booked over a Billion dollars worth of real estate!
- Rudy Kusuma, CA
SHELLY SALAS - Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Texas
We came from the REO world and we didn't have the "Business" mindset. We were putting in long hours and getting paid very little. We owe so much toTodd Walters and Craig Proctor! Why not learn from the best! Go to those that have success and don't reinvent the wheel! We implemented the Guaranteed Sale Program and that was a Game Changer! We also love giving back to our community and it is the very foundation of Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty with their Go Serve Big Mission! Also, our clients love that we give back! It just becomes second nature to give back to your community! Everyone likes to be part of something where you are helping someone else!
- Shelly Salas, TX
THE TURVEY PARTNERS - Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty - Georgia
We had minimal coaching and training at our other brokerage! If you can copy, you will be successful. There is no other training in the world like this. Hands down, this blows other training and brokerages out of the water." Chris and Jaime Turvey, The Turvey Partners
- The Turvey Partners, Team Leaders, GA
Awesome Agent Culture:
Our Mission is to Positively Impact People Through Second Mile Service, Innovative Systems and Charitable Giving!
A Portion of Income from Every Closing is Donated to Amazing Non-Profit Charities Committed to Helping Those Who Need Help the Most!
Better Seo:
Be #1 on SEO/Google Search Results: Your Home Sold = 2.4 Billion!
SEllable business asset:
A Pathway to Your Very Own Multi-Millionaire Real Estate Brokerage!
Exclusive Marketing and Lead Generation System. Own Your Own Pipeline. Guaranteed Leads, Referrals and Appointments with Ready to Act Sellers and Buyers at Above Average Price Points (No Cold Calling or Grunt Prospecting).
Get 33% to 100% Bigger Commission Checks! We are the Highest Earning Agents in Real Estate as a Percentage of Sale! And – You Will Get Vendor Income to Cover Investments in to Your Business so You Can Grow Faster!
Get the BEST High Income Reduced Effort Systems, Training and Millionaire Agent Coaching in Real Estate - Including Your Very Own One on One Top 1% in the Industry Mentor So You Can Go Further Faster!
Copy and Implement the #1 TEAM SYSTEM in Real Estate So You Can Grow Your Own Super Profitable Sales Team Faster and Without Giving Up Your Personal Life to Do It.
Exclusive Marketing and Lead Generation System. Own Your Own Pipeline. Guaranteed Leads, Referrals and Appointments with Ready to Act Sellers and Buyers at Above Average Price Points (No Cold Calling or Grunt Prospecting).
You Will Get More Listings with Our Exclusive Guaranteed Sale Program: Your Home Sold Guaranteed at a Price Acceptable to You or We’ll Buy It!
Are You Ready to Change Lives, Impact Your Community and Live the Life You Were Born to Live?
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Owners, Brokers and Mentors are selling homes at the highest level – in the trenches and out front on what works and what does not – committed to helping you overdeliver on service and results!
Whether you are fresh out of college, want to pursue a new career in real estate, or an industry veteran – you will achieve higher levels of success faster at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty! We Guarantee It!
Schedule a Free Breakthrough Call at www.FloridaYHSGRCall.com
Call 888-449-YHSG
Email Success@FloridaYHSGR.com
Want to learn more about Agent Careers at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty
Free PDF Download: The Definitive Guide to Selling More Homes and Making Money Without Giving Up Your Personal Life To Do It!
Yours Free at www.FloridaYHSGRFreedom.com
Todd Walters
Co-Founder Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty
Millionaire-Agent Maker
What if the #1 Real Estate Business Building System and Coaching became a Real Estate Brokerage?
It is here. Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty is the Real Estate Company of the Future!
We have THE SYSTEM that all other agents and brokerages do not have. This SYSTEM will help you get business, leverage that business to get more, and scale-up. It’s not just the training or coaching you benefit from, it’s the Intellectual Property as well.
Intellectual property would be described as things like all the Ads and Reports, the USP’s and landing pages, the Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty brand, and hundreds of other pieces of content and materials agents use to grow their business.
Our Vision is to be #1. The BEST place to work, buy, and sell real estate. 1000 Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Owners with 100,000 agents helping millions of people buy and sell real estate – Positively Changing Lives with Innovative Systems and Charitable Giving.
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty was first launched in August of 2018 by Billion Dollar Agent Todd Walters in conjunction with Co-Founder of the Concept, Craig Proctor (yes, that Craig Proctor, the #1 Real Estate Agent in History). The concept of having a Brokerage with the #1 USP in Real Estate History as its Name would enable agents and brokers to combat the trend of paid media becoming more crowded and less profitable AND capitalize on the TREND of SEO (free marketing).
In March of 2020, Craig Proctor officially licensed Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty to 10 of his Titanium Level Members who recognized the opportunity. By 2021 the number grew to 20 – with locations in 11 states and 2 Canadian Provinces and grew daily!
Over that time, Craig Proctor, Todd Walters and these original owners have been working, testing and documenting proof of concept. Craig has been working with experts behind the scenes to ensure this is a business that will change lives by being even better than what agents are benefitting from now inside the Craig Proctor System.
There is a CLEAR vision. And there is clarity on WHY you must act now to be a part of this. You should never delay in achieving your hopes and dreams!
Here are few FACTS about You Home Sold Guaranteed!
If you could Guarantee the Sale of a Sellers's Home, Would You Get More Listings?
Of Course, You Would… In fact, You Would Get a LOT More!
FACT: Sellers want certainty, and now YOU can deliver it! But ONLY at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty!
FACT: Agents at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty are the highest paid agents per sale in the marketplace!
FACT: Agents at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty go from zero to over $100K in income and from $100K to over $250K faster than the average Brokerage!
FACT: Agents at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Get the #1 SYSTEM in Real Estate for Growing a Super Profitable Real Estate Team!
FACT: You Will Earn at least $100K More in the Next 12 Months – GUARANTEED - or We’ll Pay You the Difference!*
Our Vision is to be The Best Place to Work, Buy and Sell Real Estate.
Our Mission is To Elevate Lives and The Community with Innovative Systems and Charitable Giving!
Our Motto is Go Serve Big!
Our Daily Routine is Increasing Real Estate Professionals Incomes by 300% or More Without Them Giving Up their Personal Lives to Do it!
Our Core Values
Our Core Philosophy: The Size of the hole you give thru is directly proportionate to the size of the hole you receive through.
We Established this real estate brokerage for Entrepreneurial, Business Minded, Growth-Oriented Real Estate Agents DRIVEN to accomplish more for themselves, their clients, and their community.
The Problems We Solve for agents:
Getting Enough Clients at a Pace Fast Enough and at Levels High Enough to Achieve Goals!
Ending the Feast or Famine Roller Coaster of Income.
Control of Schedule.
Clarity on exactly what to do and how to get it done to Scale/Grow business profitably.
Our Model: Everything We Do is Designed to Progress agents toward a Super Profitable Sales Team Business.
What are You Waiting For?